Chordata: Aves: Charadriiformes: Laridae: Larus sp. [return to Home Page]

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Scientific name: Chordata: Aves: Charadriiformes: Laridae: Larus sp.
Common Name: gull

Country: USA
State/District: NC
County: New Hanover
Date: 30 March 2001

Photographer: E. M. Barrows

Identifier: E. M. Barrows
Collector: not appplicable
Location: Near Fort Fisher
Keywords: bird black bird gray bird gull white bird
Additional Information: This species might be a Franklin's Gull (Larus pipixcan), with these specimens' being in breeding plumage.

National Geographic Society. 1994. Field Guide to the Birds of North America. National Geographic Society, Washington, DC. 464 pp. Page 145.

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