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Title: Cranberry Lake Preserve, New York, May 2003
Habitats of the 165-acre Cranberry Lake Preserve, NY, include an abandoned quarry and sandy beach, forest, lakes, and vernal ponds.
Biota of the Preserve includes about 148 bird species, 30 butterfly species, 54 damselfly and dragonfly species, 123 fungus species, 395 plant species, and hundreds of species in other taxa (based on Cranberry Lake Information Bulletins).
I visited Cranberry Lake Preserve, NY, in early May 2003 and on 7 and 14 October in 2004.
In May, many plants were starting to unfurl their leaves, bloom, or both.
In October, some plants were flowering, many were fruiting, and many had senescing leaves.
Some of the biota and other things that I saw in the Preserve in early May 2003 are illustrated below.
To find more information about Cranberry Lake Preserve on this Website, please enter “Cranberry Lake Preserve” in the box on this Website’s homepage and click on “Submit search.”
For more yet more information, please see:
E. M. B.
Please, click on images to enlarge them.
Figure 1.
A seeding of
Acer platanoides (Norway Maple, alien species) (Aceraceae).
Figure 2.
Acer rubrum (Red Maple) (Aceraceae).
Figures 3–4.
Actea pachypoda (White Baneberry = Doll’s Eyes) (Ranunculaceae).
Figure 5.
Anemonella thalictroides (Rue Anemone) (Ranunculaceae).
Figures 6–9.
Anemonella thalictroides (Rue Anemone) (Ranunculaceae).
Figure 10.
Aralia nudicaulis (Wild Sarsaparilla) (Araliaceae).
Figures 11–12.
Berberis thunbergii (Japanese Barberry, alien species) (Berberidaceae).
Figure 13.
Carpinus carolinina (Musclewood) (Betulaceae).
Figures 14–15.
Carya ovata (Shagbark Hickory) (Juglandaceae).
Figures 16–18.
Carya ovata (Shagbark Hickory) (Juglandaceae).
Figure 19.
Chimaphila maculata (Spotted Wintergreen = Pipsissiwa) (Ericaceae).
Chimaphila umbellata is also called “Pipsissiwa” as well as “Prince’s Pine.”
Figure 20.
A view of the Preserve.
Figure 21.
The waterfall.
Figures 22–23.
Views of the forest floor with many
Polystichum acrostichoides (Christmas Ferns) (Polypodiaceae).
Figure 24.
Part of the stone fence from the farm that was formerly in the area.
Figure 25.
People once used part of the Preserve as a dump site for old cars and other unwanted objects.
Figure 26.
A sign greets you at the entrance of the Preserve.
Figure 27.
Maianthemum canadense (Mayflower) (Liliaceae) in the foreground and
Symplocarpus foetidus (Skunk Cabbage, large leaves) (Araceae) in the background.
Figure 28.
One of the many rocks in the Preserve.
Figure 29.
One of the Preserve’s vernal ponds, invaluable habitats for salamanders and other wildlife.
Figure 30.
A view of Cranberry Lake.
Figure 31.
A view of Cranberry Lake.
Figure 32.
Meleagris gallopavo (Wild Turkey) (Gallidae).
Figures 33–35.
Danniela Ciatto (Curator of the Preserve) examines an osmunda fern (Osmundaceae).
Figure 36.
Granite Gneiss at the Preserve’s quarry.
Figures 37–38.
Pinus sylvestris (Scot’s Pine, dark needles, alien) (Pinaceae) and
Betula populifera (Gray Birch, light-green leaves) (Betulaceae) at the quarry.
Figures 39–40.
“Sign-eating” trees.
Figure 41.
Lycopodium obscurum (Tree Clubmoss) (Lycopodiaceae).
Figures 42–43.
Malus cv. (crabapple) (Rosaceae) in full bloom and with a nest of larvae of
Malacosoma americana (Eastern Tent Caterpillar) (Lasiocampidae).
Figures 44–45.
Maianthemum canadense (Mayflower) (Liliaceae) in bud.
Figure 46.
A “sign-eating” tree.
Figures 47–48.
Cypripedium acaule (Stemless Lady-slipper Orchid) (Orchidaceae).
Figure 49.
Fruit of
Kalmia latifolia (Mountain Laurel) (Ericaceae).
Figure 50.
Lycopodium obscurum (Tree Clubmoss) (Lycopodiaceae).
Figure 51.
A moss.
Figures 52–54.
An owlet moth (Noctuidae).
Figure 55.
Onoclea sensibilis (Sensitive Fern, new fronds) (Polypodiaceae).
Figures 56–57.
Onoclea sensibilis (Sensitive Fern, new fronds) (Polypodiaceae).
Figures 58–60.
Panax trifolius (Dwarf Ginseng) (Araliaceae) in full flower.
Figure 61.
Panax trifolius (Dwarf Ginseng) (Araliaceae) in full bloom.
Figure 62.
Pinus sylvestris
(Scot’s Pine, alien species) (Pinaceae).
Figure 63.
A pyrola, possibly
Pyrola rotundifolia (Round-leaf Pyrola) (Ericaceae).
Figures 64–65.
Polygonatum sp. (Solomon’s Seal) (Liliaceae).
Figure 66.
Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese Knotweed, alien species) (Polygonaceae).
Figure 67.
Polystichum acrosticoides (Christmas Fern) (Polypodiaceae).
Figures 68–70.
Populus grandidentata (Bigtooth Aspen) (Salicaceae).
Figures 71–72.
Quercus sp. (acorns) (Fagaceae).
Year 2002 was one of high acorn production at the Preserve.
Figure 73.
Rhododendron periclymenoides (Pinxter Flower, flower buds) (Ericaceae).
Figure 74.
Sphagnum sp. (sphagnum moss) (Sphagnaceae) and heart-shaped leaves of
Maianthemum (Mayflower) (Liliaceae).
Figure 75.
Blueberry, possibly
Vaccinium angustifolium (Early Low Blueberry = Lowbush Blueberry, flowers) (Ericaceae).
Figures 76–80.
Blueberry, possibly
Vaccinium angustifolium (Early Low Blueberry = Lowbush Blueberry, flowers and leaves) (Ericaceae).
Figure 81.
Verbascum thapsis (Common Mullein, rosette, alien species) (Scophulariaceae).
Figures 82–83.
Violet, possibly
Viola fimbriatula (Northern Downy Violet) (Violaceae).
Figures 84–85.
Viola macloskeyi (Sweet White Violet) (Violaceae).
Figure 86.
Viola macloskeyi (Sweet White Violet) (Violaceae).
Figures 87–88.
Viola sonorina (=
Viola cuculata, Common Blue Violet) (Violaceae).
Figure 89–90.
Vitis sp. (wild grape, pinkish leaves) (Vitaceae).
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