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Title: Brookside Gardens 2003, Montgomery County, Maryland
On 4 May 2003, I attended Mr. Leroy Nordahl’s memorial service at Brookside Gardens, Maryland.
This page is dedicated to his memory.
After the service, I had a chance to admire Brookside Gardens’ biota.
Some of the things I saw are below.
To find more information about Brookside Gardens, please go to the homepage of this Website, type “Brookside Gardens” into the box, and click on “Submit search.”
Please, click on images to enlarge them.
Figures 1–3.
Aesculus pavia (buckeye) (Hippocastaneaceae).
Figure 4.
Brookside Gardens.
Figure 5.
Cornus florida (Flowering Dogwood) (Cornaceae).
This is a strange inflorescence with leaves in its central area.
Figure 6.
Cornus florida (Flowering Dogwood) (Cornaceae).
This is a strange inflorescence with leaves in its central area.
Figures 7–9.
Davidia involucrata (Nyssaceae).
Figure 10.
Disporum flavens (Liliaceae).
Figures 11–12.
Disporum flavens (Liliaceae).
Figures 13–15.
Hosta ‘Krossa Regal’ (Hostaceae).
Figures 16–17.
A teneral adult
Libellula dragonfly (Libellulidae).
Figures 18–19.
Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’ (Primulaceae)
Figure 20.
Matteuccia pennsylvanica (Ostrich Fern) (Polypodiaceae).
Figures 21–23.
Matteuccia pennsylvanica (Ostrich Fern) (Polypodiaceae).
Figures 24–25.
Rhododendron austrinus (Ericaceae).
Figures 26–28.
Rhododendron austrinus (Ericaceae).
Figures 29–30.
Rhododendron ‘Cinderella’ (Ericaceae).
Figures 31–34.
Rhododendron ‘Elsie Lee’ (Ericaceae).
Figure 35.
Rhododendron ‘Mrs. Fahn’ (Ericaceae).
Figures 36–37.
Rhododendron ‘Mrs. Fahn’ (Ericaceae).
Figure 38.
Rhododendron (Ericaceae).
Figure 39.
Sarracenia flava (Yellow Pitcherplant) (Sarraceniaceae).
Figure 40.
Tiarella sp. (Saxifragaceae).
Figure 41.
Tiarella sp. (Saxifragaceae).
Figure 42.
Stylophorum diphyllum (Papaveraceae).
Figure 43.
Uvularia grandiflora (Liliaceae).
Figure 44.
Wisteria floribunda ‘Rosea’ (Fabaceae)
Figure 45.
Wisteria floribunda ‘Macrobotrys’ (Fabaceae).
Figure 46.
Wisteria floribunda ‘Macrobotrys’ (Fabaceae).
Figures 47–48.
Ardea herodias (Great Blue Heron) (Ardeidae).
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