National Capital Region All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory First Step: The Arthropods
(Master Information Sheet)
The Laboratory of Entomology and Biodiversity, Department of Biology, Georgetown University, was very pleased to work with the National Park Service, Washington, D.C., on a project called “National Capital Region
All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory First Step: The Arthropods.”
Four student interns (Christianne R. Bird, Bao Q. Chung, Toan Q. Chung, and Matthew R. Minor), Daniel S. Kjar (a Biology Ph.D. student), and I worked on this project.
We produced an online, searchable database of arthropods that are known to be or expected to be in the Washington, D.C., Area; produced an online virtual tour of part of Rock Creek Park; and interviewed 15 local arthropod scientists and put the their interviews online.
The Arthropod Database
The database lists arthropods known from Rock Creek Park, Washington, D.C.; Washington, D.C., in general; and nearby the states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.
The formal way to cite this database follows, and you can click on its URL to visit the database.
Barrows, E. M., D. S. Kjar, C. R. Bird, B. Q. Chung, T. Q. Chung, and M. R. Minor.
Arthropods of the Washington, D.C., Area: A Searchable Online Database (AWDCAD).
This database is interactive and searchable.
It generates lists of arthropods that are known to be and are likely to be in the Washington, D.C., Area.
Records of particular arthropods for Rock Creek Park (ROCR) and Dyke Marsh Preserve (DMWP, Virginia) and are also indicated in data lines.
You can search the database by ROCR or DMWP by using the Park ID box.
A Tour of Rock Creek Park (June 2003)
To enjoy a short virtual tour of part of Rock Creek Park, please click
Interviews of Arthropod Scientists
You can access interviews of local arthropod specialists by clicking on the names below.
Nancy Adams
John Brown
Robert Carlson
Donald Davis
Mark Epstein
David Furth
Alex Konstantinov
Steven Lingafelter
Gary Miller
Allan Norrbom
Ronald Ochoa
Michael Pogue
Michael Schauff
Alma Solis
Norman Woodley
The interview Webpages also tell you how to access some other BDWA interviews of arthropod biologists.
The Interns
All of the interns were undergraduates in the Department of Biology, Georgetown University.
The interns were:
Christianne R. Bird
Bao Q. Chung
Toan Q. Chung
Matthew R. Minor
Other Information
To view an information page on Glover-Archbold Park which is part of Rock Creek Park, please click
here .
To view a terrible thing could have happened to Glover-Archbold Park, please click
To access more information on Glover-Archbold Park, please go to
BDWA’s homepage,
type in “Glover-Archbold Park” in the box, and click.
To access more information on Rock Creek Park, please go to
BDWA’s homepage,
type in “Rock Creek Park ” in the box, and click.
To access information on Rock Creek Park from the National Park Service, please click
The Laboratory of Entomology and Biodiversity, Department of Biology, Georgetown University is grateful to the National Park Service for supporting this work.
Drs. Giselle Mora-Bourgeois and Diane Pavek (NPS) were especially involved in this project.
Arthropod specialists generously gave their time by giving interviews and proofreading interview manuscripts.
Mrs. Pat Durkin kindly let us integrate her unpublished report on butterflies and Dr. Richard Orr kindly let us integrate his unpublished report on damselflies and dragonflies of Rock Creek Park into our database.
Edward M. Barrows, Professor
(The last update of this page was on 27 December 2004.)