The Biodiversity Database of the Washington, D.C., Area
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Please note: You need a recent PowerPoint program in your computer to open our PowerPoint presentations.
1. Arthropod Variation in a Forest Choked and Strangled with Invasive Alien Vegetation by D. S. Kjar, presented at a meeting of Friends of Dyke Marsh, Huntley Meadows Park, VA, 29 January 2003. HTML file.
2. Ant Community Changes Associated with Introduced Plant Species, presented at the Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, 9th annual Spring Symposium on Invertebrate Conservation at the American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY, 25–26 March 2004. Poster. PowerPoint.
3. Arthropods of the Washington, D.C., Area, Emphasizing Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve and Rock Creek Park, presented at the National Park Services Spotlight on National Park Resources meeting at the University of the District of Columbia, Washington, D.C., 24 March 2004. Poster. PowerPoint.
4. Resources for Botanizing in the Washington, D.C., Region by E. M. Barrows, presented at Capital Science 2004, Washington Academy of Sciences, Ballston, VA, 20 March 2004. HTML file.
5. Erie Sand Barrens State Nature Preserve by E. M. Barrows, presented at a meeting of the Botanical Society of Washington, September 2004. PowerPoint.
6. The Local Pollinators by E. M. Barrows, presented at Promoting Pollinators in Public Places. Habitat Conservation Workshop. U.S. National Arboretum, Washington, D.C., 22 September 2004.
Part 1a. PowerPoint, about 9 MB.
Part 1b. PowerPoint, about 9 MB.
Part 2. PowerPoint, about 15 MB.
7. Presentation for Biology 101 by E. M. Barrows, presented at GU, 26 October 2004.
8. The Local Pollinators by E. M. Barrows, presented at a meeting of the Maryland Native Plants Society. White Oak, Maryland, 22 November 2004. This is a longer, more complete version of E. M. Barrows talk of 22 September 2004.
Part 1. PowerPoint, about 16 MB.
Part 2. PowerPoint, about 13 MB.
Part 3. PowerPoint, about 19 MB.
9. Poster for the GU Center for the Environment, 17 January 2007
Poster, about 4 MB.